Masks4Missions’ first major effort, Vermont Mask Day, was all about raising awareness and bringing Vermonters together safely through mask-protected and socially-distant gatherings. With a week of design-your-own mask events, free webinars available to the public with medical experts, and a live Grace Potter concert to top off the week, we wanted to bring a sense of community to public engagement around mask compliance. While Masks4Missions helped sponsor and lead the effort, it was what it was because of the people who showed up: our nonprofit partners, our volunteers, students across the state, and countless Vermonters united by the value of community.
As a result of Masks4Missions’ work with Vermont Mask Day and beyond, our founder, Doug Altshuler, has been recognized as Nonprofit Entrepreneur of the Year by the American Business Awards, International Business Awards, and Best in Biz International. While all of us at Masks4Missions, and Doug especially, feel humbled by this honor, social enterprise is an inherently communal effort. In that spirit, we want to extend our heartfelt gratitude to the countless people without whom Masks4Missions and Vermont Mask Day would have been little more than a dream. To all who celebrated Vermont Mask Day with us and all who held your own mask events elsewhere, all our nonprofit partners and community members, this award is as much yours as it is ours. So congratulations!